JANUARY 19, 2000

SLASH does a guest DJ appearance on VH1's atWork. atWork is a 24 hour a day, internet-only radio station. In addition to regular broadcasts, they sometimes have guest DJ's selecting tunes, commenting on the music, and discussing their plans. This is what SLASH will be doing beginning at 2 pm Eastern Time. SLASH will be on about one hour. This is a show that was taped November 5 when SLASH was in New York to mix Ain't Life Grand, so some information may be outdated after two months. It will still be great to hear SLASH talking on your PC! You need special software of course, but you may already have it: QuickTime, Real Player 7, Real Player G2, and Windows Media Player (mplayer). Try to get to the VH1 site early and check your software out there. The url is www.vh1.com, and look for the atWork logo to be at the right place to hear SLASH. If you miss it, don't worry! All the guest appearances are archived so you can play them anytime you wish.

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January '00