SLASH Stalked by Scream

SLASH Stalked by Scream
by Haleigh

"It was a fine day in Smurfsville when all the sudden "..... Suddenly Slash's phone rang adding noise to his already loud tv. "Hello ?" "Man , we have a gig tonight I'm gonna need you down there , it was just a minute thing so come on down now!" Axl said at the other end of the line. "Yeah of course ," Replied Slash hanging the phone up , and racing to get dressed. Once he was done his cell phone rang.Bending over to pick it up he clicked it on "Hello ," "Hello ," A raspy voice at the other end of the line said. "Who is this?" "I'm sorry I guessed I called the wrong number ," the raspy voice continued. "Yes , I guess so ," Slash said. "So , as long as we're talking , what's your favorite scary movie?" "Scream , you know the one with the guy parading around wiht a weird mask on." "Yeah , I like that one too , it's scary." "Well ,listen I have to go ." Slash said ready to put the phone down. "Oh the gig , of course I wouldn't want you to miss that ." "How did you know about it?" Slash asked,confusion written all over his face. "Let's just say things travel fastly , and maybe if you look hard enough you'll be able to see me." Laughing the raspy voice at the end turned into a montonous ring as he hung up. A knocking at the door brought Slash back to life as he ran to open it , relieved after the weird phone call he was happy to see his brotherly friend Duff standing there. "Come on we have to get down to the show , there's someone Axl wants us to meet." "Allright ," Said Slash fumbling with his guitar as he trembled a little. Noticing how Slash was acting Duff concerned looked at his friend,"Are you allright?" "Yeah , of course , just a crazy phone call." "What do you mean a crazy phone call?" Duff pryed. "Listen we don't have much time here for me to explain what's going on , we need to get going ." "Yeah , you're right , let's go ." As they both walked out the door Slash turned back while closing it and thought he saw someone staring through his window , someone wearing the mask from his favorite scary movie , Scream. After the show Duff went searching for Slash, he wanted to know what was wrong.He saw him perched at a bar dowing another whiskey. "Hey , man tell me what's wrong , don't just sit there trying to ignore it." "It's nothing really ," But as the handsome guitarist said that he couldn't stop his hand from shaking. "Look , I can tell it's bothering you , come on you can tell me ." "No! I can't , you'd think me silly to get worried over nothing." "Slash , you know I wouldn't , I'm here for you ." Duff said . Slash willingly began the story , but Axl cut him off. "Hey guys , I would like you to meet someone , he's willing to be our new manager , he's a great guy too. " The band members looked the man next to Axl up and down , he was short with graying hair and he smelled like moth balls. "It's nice to meet you , I'm Fernald Frump." The man said , Slash noticed automatically that he had a raspy voice. Something inside Slash jumped , there was something strange something so out of place about Fernald , why was he here? "Mind if I join you two in a drink ," Fernald asked. "No problem , right Slash ," Duff replied. But Slash was staring off into space. "Slash ?" "Yeah , it's allright but, " Thinking quickly he replied , " I have to go home , I have to get.... some sleep!" "Oh , yes of course , nice to see you wanting to get rest before your concert tomorrow." "Yeah , the concert ." Slash said stumbling over his chair trying to get out of the bar , away from Fernald Frump. Wondering , what concert could he be talking about. As Slash walked back to his car he thought he heard footsteps behind him.He stopped , once he started walking he could hear them again , turning around swiftly he saw no one but the footsteps were still going , and now they were faster , like they were running , wind was blowing his hair away from his face as he started to run to his car. Once he reached his car he got his key out to open it but in his rush he dropped it , bending to pick the key up his cell phone rang. He didn't remember taking his cell phone with him. "Hello ," Slash said after four rings. "Hi ," The raspy voice said. "Listen , who are you ?" "Bet you're wondering how your cellphone got with you hmmm? I brought it and during the show I placed it where you would find it." The raspy voice said , answering his own question. "No , that's impossible because someone would've stopped you.Plus , I never saw anyone go near my bags." Slash said not so sure of himself now. "Did you , or did you not , are you really sure about that?" The raspy voice continued. "I don't think you saw anything , too busy drinking and playing , your guitar , your precious guitar!" the mans voice on the other end was mad now. "What do you want from me?" Slash screamed into the cold night air. "I wanna see what your insides look like." He replied. "No!" Slash said picking up his key off the ground and starting to fiddle with his car door, when there was a tapping on the back of the window. He looked in and saw the all too familiar Scream Mask which was glowing was glaring out at him. "I wanna be you ," He screamed into the phone. "No , " Slash said ,"No!" He screamed once more. The door unlocked as the man in the costume slowly started to open the door but just then Duff's car pulled up and he saw Slash standing there screaming into the phone. Once Duff had gotten the information he wanted to know out of Slash he told him it was a crazed fan , nothing to worry about , call the police get the phone traced. So that's what Slash did , the police were all over tracing calls , for an hour on end it seemed . Excitement was building up inside of him , just waiting for them to finally tell him who was terrorizing him all this time.Wondering who it was that had been calling him and walking around with that glowing Scream mask on , the bright green glowing mask that had so many times that week come out of the shadows , to haunt him. But his thoughts were interrupted as the chief of police approached him. "This is sad news , we have traced the call." "Why is that sad?" Slash asked questioningly. "We have traced the phone to Axl Rose." "No , that can't be right , he's my buddy."Slash repelied haughtily. "Well there's only one thing we can do , we have to arrest him." The man said. "No , you can't! It's not him ," Slash argued but the police tried the test three times allready and it said Axl each and every time. Slash just decided to give in , anyways it might really have been him after all. Once Axl and the police had left Slash decided he still had four more hours of sleep left so he layed down on his bed and turned the lights out , but once they were out he couldn't help but let a blood curdling scream out. There right next to his face was the green glowing Scream mask.

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